Cook County Healthy Schools
AGE to Age Grant from the Northland Foundation
This exciting project “enables elders, adults, and youth to explore how their generations are alike and how they are different. The program is designed to strengthen relationships among all ages and offer older adults and young people a chance to work together to benefit their communities. Through a guided planning process, older and younger community members are given an equal voice in identifying a local need and devising their own grassroots solution.” For more information, please visit the AGE to age information page on the Northland Foundation’s website.
Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Throughout the year, Oshki Ogimaag works with various partners in the Grand Portage Community to help carry out its mission and vision. Using the resources offered by the Grand Portage Band’s departments, Oshki Ogimaag students recieve a well-rounded education. Some such partners are: Trust Lands, Health Services, Human Services, and the Department of Education.
OOCS Book Swap
Do you have unused children’s book taking up space? WE WILL TAKE THEM! The Oshki Ogimaag PTCO is coordinating a book swap. Feel free to stop by any time during the school day to donate, exchange, or bring books home. If you are looking for some “new” books to read to your children, come peruse our bookshelf.
OOCS Book Swap is located in the school lobby near the front desk. Books for all grades and reading abilities are encouraged. Please, be sure that books are appropriate for the school environment.
North Shore Health Care Foundation
North Shore Health Collaborative
Grand Marais Lioness/Lions
Grand Portage Lodge and Casino
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Friends of the Library
University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth Campus